Amanda Waldron, Faith Deconstruction and Reconstruction Coach

Can I even be a Christian anymore?

Deconstruction can be upending. If your faith is changing, you wonder what that means about who you are and who God is. Do I believe this still? The discomfort and uncertainty are starting to really wear you down and you’re not sure how to “fix” this. 

In my “Big Deconstruction” there came a moment where I asked this same question. There was so much hurt and disbelief that I wondered if it would just be better to chuck everything and move out of Christianity. There is freedom in wondering that because it starts to open us up to the possibility of choice. If I could choose between throwing out my entire belief system and worldview or trying to salvage it, I choose to stay. BUT I knew that I had to find a new way to hold my beliefs…thus started me on my own journey to learn how to deconstruct without losing my faith.

Hey, I’m Amanda…

Hey Amanda! and the Wonder & Doubt Mentoring Program are the culmination of two of my biggest passions Clinical Social Work and Theology. It’s the program I wish I had 10 years ago when my big deconstruction happened. It was a time of complete overhaul of everything I grew up believing. It led me to therapy, seminary, and eventually to a Masters in Clinical Social Work. My hope is to mentor others who find themselves on this journey, so they feel less alone.

Amanda Waldron, Faith Deconstruction and Reconstruction Coach
Amanda Waldron, Faith Deconstruction and Reconstruction Coach, Wonder and Doubt

For most of us growing up in the church, we aren’t often given the space or tools to navigate doubt, questions, and deconstruction. Both my clinical and theological knowledge has led me to conclude that our faith can be more expansive and authentic than what we were taught. I’ve made peace that there will always be some portion of doubt mixed with my faith. I created the Wonder & Doubt Mentorship Program to offer you relief, provide a safe space, and teach mindset tools that allow for true freedom in Christ. 


 A few of my favorite things


Fostering Kittens

At the start of the pandemic, a mom cat brought her kittens to my porch and I’ve been fostering kittens ever since.



My whole family makes a triangle across the state, which means I get to experience a lot of Michigan on a regular basis.



Travelling has been one of the most influential things in my life to expand my worldview. Ecuador and Iceland have been some of my favorites.



Michigan in the summer can’t be beat. Give me hammocking, camping, and hiking!



Well, maybe food in general. I’m no foodie by any means. I just love eating!



In the last year, I’ve been mindful to add more silliness to my life to offset the often serious work that I do. Enjoy Chester in a top hat!

 I’d love to work with you!

We’ve been taught to keep our questions to ourselves, but what if there was a place where doubt could be brought into the light, and you realized there were others just like you. When we practice this together, the guilt and shame we experience often lose their power.

This is a secure space that is rooting for you. It’s a place that thoughtful Christians can come to dig into where their faith has come from and where it’s going. It’s a “meet you where you are” mentoring program that will help you cultivate groundedness, explore tools and practices, and grow your wonder of what could be. 

Listen to Amanda

Reconstruction Podcast | Aaron Manes: Ask Better Questions = Get Unstuck

Anxiety Simplified | Joanne Williams: 3 Ways to Shift Shame to Self-compassion

Happy & Holy | Kate Boyd: Chapters 15-16 | Gospel of Mark

Threads Podcast | Ben Kracker & Jason Tieri: Deconstructing & Reconstructing Faith with Amanda Waldron

The Art of Being H(YOU)men | Meg Heppner: Finding Your Truth in Midst of Doubt