Wonder & Doubt | My Signature Course

Move from uncertainty to curiosity and wonder with mentoring support.

A self-paced journey through your doubts and questions. Explore where you’ve been and what you hope for, challenge unhelpful cultural teachings, and ground back to the authentic parts of your faith through my signature course Wonder & Doubt.

Imagine being able to…

  • Keep your connection to God in the midst of deconstruction; gaining a deeper sense of what you honestly believe. 

  • Grow into a more authentic person of faith who has clarity on the values and ethics that drive your behaviors.

  • Talkback to the shames and shoulds of the Christian subculture, to sift out what is foundational and what is toxic teaching.

  • Accept where you are at in your faith journey, and gain confidence to communicate this to others.

  • Change your anxiety to wonder, filled with the ability to ask the questions that matter, and dream of a new way of showing up in your faith.

  • Use proven tools and practices to calm your spirit and connect you back to the truths of Jesus. 

You can question your Christian faith without losing it.

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  • You grew up in the church and it breaks your heart to think about stepping away.

  • You’re feeling salty toward the church and you’re wondering if you want to stay.

  • You love Jesus but aren’t so sure about his followers or how they act.

  • You’re too liberal for your conservative friends and too conservative for your liberal friends.

  • You’re concerned about how some of the teachings you grew up with impact others.

If you caught yourself nodding along to any of these, this Individual Mentoring could provide you with the support and hope you are looking for.


My big Deconstruction started about ten years ago, with the thought that there was one "right" way to believe and I was going to find it. I was desperately trying to hold onto my faith and I thought this certainty would be the way. With the help of my therapist, seminary professor, and spiritual director I began to reword my faith in a way that allowed my doubts and questions to co-exist. Now I help others do the same.

The last few years have been hard on the faith of a lot of us. I know there are others out there like me that are trying to navigate faith reconstruction and deconstruction with a little more hope.

 Results from Wondering Christians

Get inspired… this could be you!

“Amanda has a way of introducing new ways of thinking. It’s helping me hold my faith in a different way and I’m feeling hopeful again.

- Tara B.

When you sign up for the self-paced course you’ll get…

  • Wonder & Doubt Online Course: A 6-module self-paced course complete with video teachings, resource lists, and practical skills for deconstructing and reconstructing your faith. 7+ hours of material.

  • Wonder & Doubt Workbook: Access to a downloadable 97-page workbook, where you can deepen your work and put it into practice.

  • Option to join the next live group cohort.

You’ll also walk away with…

Practical tips to keep you grounded to your faith while in deconstruction.


MODULE 1: Foundation

Grounding to truth in the season.

MODULE 2: Construction

Understanding how we got here and what’s not working.

MODULE 3: Deconstruction

Embracing uncertainty and creating practices to grieve change.

MODULE 4: Reconstruction

Cultivating an integrated spiritual identity.

MODULE 5: Neighbors

Setting boundaries and navigating relationships.

MODULE 6: Onward

Tools for trusting yourself and the process.

You don’t have to go through this journey alone…

Let’s bring our deconstruction journey out of the shadows. Let’s speak life and not death into this process. You can identify, question, and doubt aspects of your belief system without losing your faith. 

When doubt is spoken out loud, feelings of shame, guilt, and loneliness are reduced. This self-paced course will provide a supportive atmosphere to wrestle through your big questions. You’ll gain perspective and insight from the experience that you can take to move your faith forward.

In a few weeks, you could be feeling lighter and more hopeful about this process. When you choose Individual Mentoring you will learn tools to reduce your distress, get to know yourself better, and connect you back to what remains true in your faith.


Self- Paced Wonder & Doubt Course

Self-Paced 6 Module Wonder & Doubt Course

Wonder & Doubt Workbook

Discount to join the next Wonder & Doubt Group Mentoring Program



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 Other’s are saying

You Might Be Wondering …

When do I get access to the course?

Once you purchase the course, you’ll be given access to the course room in Teachable within 48 hours.

How long do I have access to the course?

You’ll have access to the course for life. From time to time material may also be added or updated.

How long will this course take me?

Since this is self-paced it can take as short or long as you need. I’d encourage you to spend as much time of the material as would be helpful. Do the exercises that are meaningful to you and leave others for later.

Are you a Christian?

Yes! My boundaries are the Nicean and Apostle Creed, which I believe 80% of at any given time. There are still bits of my faith that I’m working out with fear and trembling, and I’ve accepted that doubt and faith will likely always be intermingled for me. I also am part of a local church body.

Do I have to be a Christian to complete this course?

Not necessarily, but most of my teachings will be through a Christian lens, although they may be able to apply to other faith structures. Most of my material is geared toward those who hope to remain within the Christian faith.

Do you offer a refund? 

There are no refunds once the course is purchased.

What are your beliefs on inclusion? 

This program is open and inclusive to all who are sincerely working out their faith. Many on the journey of deconstruction are wrestling through what they were taught (indirectly or directly) about the LGBTQ community, women in ministry, white supremacy, and Christian nationalism. While we can acknowledge that we may be at different places in our exploration of these teachings, a value of Hey Amanda! is that we will honor and acknowledge the inherent dignity and worth of all people as Image Bearers of God. Implicit bias is to be expected, and we will work through those together when they come up, but explicit bias or prejudices will not be tolerated. Individuals who fail to show love and care in their language toward me or others will be removed.

 It’s time to cultivate wonder in your own deconstruction journey!

Don’t wait! Start learning how to get curious about faith deconstruction and explore the tools to move forward with a more authentic faith.

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